The Indian Food constitutes of various kinds of vegetables, spices, Indian breads, etc.

These vegetables are rich in both macronutrients and micronutrients. Also, the spices are rich in antioxidants which are highly beneficial for our physical well being.
In the Indian households we consume a no. of dairy products like milk, curd, buttermilk, ghee, etc. These are not only rich in calcium and protein but also contain probiotics or good bacteria
Now let’s talk about the Indian breads like i.e. the roti or chapatti made out of wheat, bajra, jowar, etc.

These Indian breads are complex carbohydrates which help the body to increase energy. But there has been a shift from these traditional Indian breads to unhealthier naan, rumali roti, etc. which are made out of refined flour or maida and is harmful for the body.

Also the Indian food is rich in carbohydrates like white rice, potatoes, etc. which helps the body to gain the energy lost during the workout, i.e. they are simple carbs or carbohydrates.

IMPORTANT:  Do not deep-fry your food as it converts the good fats i.e. saturated fats to trans-fats as the fat soluble vitamins are lost due to frying and also use good oils or desi ghee for cooking to have the benefit of saturated fats.

IS INDIAN FOOD HEALTHY ? IS INDIAN FOOD HEALTHY ? Reviewed by Raghav Sahni on June 24, 2018 Rating: 5

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