Jumping right to the conclusion first let's talk about our ancestors.What do you think their diet would include ? Multigrain breads and steamed vegetables ? HELL NO. Ancient Indian Bodybuilders like Dara Singh ate lots of carbs but also with lots of healthy fats like desi ghee,coconut oil,dry fruits,etc.

Now let's talk about what is known as the adaptation mechanism of our body. It simply means that your body will adapt into any situation you put it into.

Having a low fat diet will force your body to retain the little amount of food you put into your diet for survival.

This retaining of fat by the body due to lower calorie intake than required i.e. termed as DIETING nowadays is known as survival mechanism.

Then what should we do ? Its' simple:

Just cut the intake of refined carbs like maida (Refined Flour) and sugar.

IMPORTANT : The no.1 cause of obesity is being a couch potato and eating lot of unhealthy foods.
WHY THE LOW FAT DIET IS A HARM WHY THE LOW FAT DIET IS A HARM Reviewed by Raghav Sahni on June 25, 2018 Rating: 5

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